12 Smart Ways To lower Taxes On Salary
The financial year is going to end soon and you may be busy planning last minute tax saving for FY 2016-17. But no matter what time of the year it is, understanding how to save taxes on salary can be very helpful. Changes announced in Budget 2017, have lowered taxes for all in FY 2017-18 (unless you earn more than Rs 50L). Take a look here to check how much tax you will save in FY 2017-18. You can also use our calculator here . If you are looking for information on how to lower taxes on SALARY INCOME, this article explains how. This article will help you to Save tax legally on salary income Change your salary structure There are various allowances and perks which are exempt from tax and you can easily claim them provided that they are a part of your salary structure . So by restructuring your salary, and including these allowances, you can reduce your taxes in a big way. You will have to rework your salary structure with your ...