How to Convert GSTR2 Report to Excel Format ?
Today all the tax payers are taking lot of the time for reconciling the GSTR2 report with Purchase Invoice by checking one by using the offline utility software provided by the GST Portal, but here I am introducing the new utility created in the Microsoft Excel Format which will helps us to convert the Json File which is created by the GST Portal to Microsoft Excel Format and it will helps us to reconcile the data by using Vlookup formula in the less time and you can relax in the GSTR2 filing process. Step-1 Download the GSTR2A Report from the GST Portal Step-2 Download the Offline Utility software of the Json file convertor to Excel using the below link (It will work only above version of Microsoft Excel 2010 and above) Step-3 Convert the Json file to CSV Format by uploading the file to site Step-4 Convert this to CSV Format Step-5 Copy and Paste the data in the CSV File to the Excel Utility and pasting same using Paste ...